Turkey Dinners Now on Sale!

Our Annual Turkey Dinner (take-out only) is a go for Thursday November 24th, 2022. Last year for our 75th celebration, Cottam United Church donated 100% of the profits to long-term beautification of our Village of Cottam, and donated more than 200 meals to the Windsor Downtown Mission, as a way of saying thank you to the many folks who have supported us over the years.

As you are aware 2022 has seen prices dramatically rise and these increases affect us all, unfortunately it has forced us to raise our price for the meal. We simply cannot absorb such an increase while still providing a quality hot, fresh, full dinner with all the fixings. 

This year we are offering takeout meals from 2:30 until 7:00. Unfortunately we cannot allow walk-in orders – only advance online orders will be accepted and we will close the ordering system when we hit 1,400 orders or Tuesday November 22rd @ 8:00 pm, whichever occurs first. You can use the following link to order https://cottamunitedchurch.ca/shop/ If you are unable to purchase tickets online, or require assistance doing so, please call the church office at 519-839-4266.

We also kindly ask that you follow the directions from the people who will greet you and guide you into the church parking lot. To minimize the traffic congestion on County Road 34, only right turns into and out of the church lot will be allowed. There will many people directing traffic and to assist on how to pickup your meal(s) in the most efficient manner. Please arrive as close to your designated time as possible, bring a copy of your order or provide the runners with your order number and remain in your vehicle at all times.


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4 thoughts on “Turkey Dinners Now on Sale!”

  1. Please consider adding the turkey dinner date to the printed receipt to ensure all customers know the date they are to pick up their dinners … to avoid any confusion. Otherwise we always enjoy the food. Can’t wait until the gathering resumes inside so we can reconnect with those that we haven’t seen in some time. May everyone be safe and enjoy and the coming holidays.

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