The story that I want to read this morning begins with Luke 8:26-29 (NIV):
They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torture me!” For Jesus had commanded the impure spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places.
And you might wonder, “Pastor Kim, this is Fathers Day, a day when we celebrate our father figures. What are you doing reading a passage about demons. What’s that all about?” And you know what? You may have a point. It is an odd story for this day. But there are a lot of good lessons in this story that we can share even today.
So let me give you some context. Earlier in this chapter from Luke, we learn that Jesus has had a busy time preaching and healing and doing all the things that he did. It was tiring. In order to get some rest, Jesus and his disciples board a fishing boat to get away from the crowds. The plan is to sail across the lake of Galilee just to get a break.
But something happens. In Luke 8:22-25, as they are crossing the water, as Jesus is sleeping in the bow of the boat, a storm comes up and threatens to capsize them. The disciples wake up Jesus and express their concern for their safety. This is the story of Jesus calming the storm. The wind dies down and the water smooths out and all is good again. So now Jesus really needs a break.
But what happens? As soon as Jesus steps ashore on the other side of the Lake of Galilee, hoping to get some much needed R&R, a demon-possessed man meets him. So much for some rest and relaxation.
Let’s look at the description of this man. He isn’t wearing any clothes so that would have been a bit of a shock. He also doesn’t live in a house but rather lives in the nearby tombs. Tombs are like the local cemetery except that they are more like caves because that’s what people did back then. So this guy is naked and living in a cemetery. Why does he do this? Probably because he’s burned all of his bridges with friends and family. He is clearly not an easy person to live with? The tombs at least offered shelter and some solitude for him. In fact, it was quite common in those days for ostracized people to live in the tombs.
We learn a couple more things about this man. It seems that he knows who Jesus is. He says, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torture me!” So he knows – or at least the demons know – who Jesus is and he scares them. We also learn that the demons have seized that man many times and caused him lots of problems to the point where he was chained up but somehow found the strength to break the chains and escape. So this is one powerful man.
Let’s carry on with the story. Luke 8:30-31 (NIV) says this:
Jesus asks him, “What is your name?”
“Legion,” he replies, because many demons had gone into him. And they begged Jesus repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss.
So we learn something else. We learn the demon’s name. That’s important because, in those days, it was believed that names were more than simple monikers. Names were actually descriptions of people who had those names. Names carried with them something of the essence and character of the person.
So the name Legion is significant. Legion means many. There are many voices inside this man’s head. And I think it’s safe to presume that they aren’t all saying the same things. Some say, “Go here.” Others say, “Go there.” Some say, “Do this.” Others say, “Do that.” Many demons means many internal conflicts. And when you have many internal conflicts, it’s hard to focus on what you’re supposed to be doing. No wonder that poor man is running around naked and living in the cemetery. It is not an easy life. In fact, it is probably a very desperate and lonely existence.
And yet, the amazing thing about this man is that even though he is possessed by many demons and even though he is totally out of his mind, running around naked and living in the tombs, somewhere deep inside he knows that he has to see Jesus. He knows Jesus is special. I don’t know if he has any idea what to expect from Jesus. All he knows is that he has to go and see him. And I think he does that in spite of his demons because I don’t think they want to have anything to do with Jesus. But somehow, this man finds the strength and the courage to face his demons and find Jesus. That, all by itself, is amazing.
So Jesus sees this crazy man who has fallen at his feet in the sand and he has pity on him. Let’s find out what happens. Luke 8:32-33 (NIV) says:
A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into the pigs, and he gave them permission. When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned.
I want you to think for a moment about what that means. What must it be like for this man who is carrying the load of all of those demons? When those demons go into the pigs, the entire herd drowns itself. That’s the weight of the burden that they caused. And this lonely, naked man who lives in the tombs because no one else wants him has carried that burden all by himself probably for a very long time.
It makes me think about so many people out there who are suffering things that we know nothing about. How many people do you know who don’t act quite right. They’re different from us because we think we’re normal. Maybe they’re not naked and living in the cemetery. But you know there’s something wrong because you can sense it. Maybe they’ve been rejected by those who were supposed to love them and care for them. Maybe they’re living with the pain of a broken relationship. Maybe there’s an illness in the family or a child who has gone astray. Or maybe their hopes and dreams have come crashing down around them. Who knows what demons haunt them and how many demons there are? We just don’t know, do we? Maybe we think we do. Maybe we think we have it all figured out but we don’t know what’s in people’s hearts and minds. We don’t know what they live with on a day to day basis.
And here’s something else that I want us to think about. None of us are really so different from the demon possessed man. We all come with our demons. We may not have a legion of them like the poor man in today’s story but we all have a few. What are those demons? They are the things that keep us from being all that God created us to be. They are the worries, anxieties and fears that isolate us from our families, our friends and our communities.
Think about it. What demons can you name today that haunt you? What keeps you from living the full and rich life that God has in store for you? And then think about this. If Jesus could deal with a legion of demons that possessed a naked man who lived in the cemetery, he can probably help you to deal with yours too. In fact, he wants to help you. So why not start by doing what the demon possessed man did. He fell down on his knees before Jesus and bared his soul and asked for help. And Jesus healed him.
Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that all you have to do is give your life to Jesus and all of your problems will be solved in the blink of an eye. I’m not saying that. But I am saying that Jesus is a good place to start. So let Jesus in. Let him look into your soul and let you know that you are not alone. He loves you more than you could ever possibly imagine.
The story continues as we get the reaction of the local people who watched these events unfold. Luke 8:34-37 (NIV) says this:
When those tending the pigs saw what had happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people how the demon-possessed man had been cured. Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. So he got into the boat and left.
This is such an odd passage because we really don’t expect the local people to react this way. We expect them to be overjoyed that the man is in his right mind. But they aren’t. Instead it says that they are so overcome with fear that they ask Jesus to leave. Why is that? The reason is actually pretty simple. It’s because all they could think about was the lost herd of pigs. To be honest, on one hand you can’t really blame them. Someone took a financial hit when the pigs drowned in the lake.
But do you see what they’re missing? They are missing the fact that the naked, crazy man who lived in the cemetery is now fully clothed and sitting at Jesus’ feet, as sane as sane can be. That’s good stuff. They should be rejoicing with the man. They should be focused on the fact that he is healed and restored to his community. But for some reason they can’t get past the fact that some pigs have drowned. These people are so caught up on the negative things around them that they can’t focus on the positive. And so they are missing this incredible miracle that just happened in their midst.
Do you know people like that? Do you know people who are so focused on the negative that they miss all the positive things around them? I think we all know people like that. And some of us know that there are times when that actually describes us.
But Jesus tells us not to be like that. When faced with the option between the dead pigs and the healed man, Jesus calls us to focus on the healed man.
The reaction of the local people is that they ask Jesus to leave because they are too focused on the negative to see the positive. Let’s compare that now to how the healed man responds. Luke 8:38-39 (NIV) says this:
The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.
What does the man do? He begs Jesus to let him join the group of disciples. But Jesus says, “No. Instead, go back home and tell everyone how much God has done for you.”
We all have a choice of what message we share with the world. When faced with the choice between dead pigs and the gracious healing of a child of God, which one do you think we should emphasize? Where should our focus be?
Jesus is pretty clear. He tells the man to go home and tell everyone what God has done for him. What did God do through Jesus? Jesus helped the man face his demons and he drove them out. He restored the man’s sanity and found clothes to put on his body. And maybe the most important thing is that he made it possible for the man to be restored to his family and friends. He enabled him to rejoin his community.
Note that he doesn’t tell the man to go and talk about a herd of dead pigs. Instead, he tells him to focus on the good things that have happened and how Jesus is a part of that. That’s where Jesus calls him to focus. That’s the story he wants him to tell.
That’s a good lesson for us. How often do we go and tell the people we know about the positive things that Jesus has done for us? Or more specifically on this day, let me speak specifically to the dads here. How many of us have taken the time to tell our children about what Jesus has done for us, what he means for us? That’s a challenging question but it’s also an important question. Here’s why. Traditionally, throughout many cultures, men have had two roles. We are called to provide for our families and to protect them. That’s what we’re made for. That’s what comes naturally to us. I know that there are some places in society that would give me some grief for saying that. But each of us as men know that’s true because that’s how we’re wired.
Do you see what Jesus does for the man possessed by demons? He takes on the role of his father. We don’t know where the man’s father is. He may be alive. He may be dead. He may have given up on his crazy son and walked away in despair. We don’t know. All we know is that he not mentioned which means that he’s probably out of the picture somewhere.
Since his father is not there, Jesus takes on that role. We know that because Jesus becomes is provider and protector. When Jesus met the man, he had no clothes. He had nowhere to live. He had no security and no community. By the time Jesus is finished with him, the man has clothes. Jesus tells him to go home so presumably he has a place to live. Because he has a place to live, he must have a community. And equally important, he has his sanity back and his sense of self.
This man no longer has to worry about the legion of demons that had so negatively impacted his life. The man was freed from them when they were cast out into a herd of pigs. And they will never return.
Jesus becomes the man’ provider and protector. He also does something else. He tells him to go home and tell others how much God has done for him. That’s the other thing that we as men and fathers need to be aware of. We need to encourage our children to tell the world what God has done for us. But we can’t ask them to share their stories of faith if we do not give them an example to follow.
I know that this is not easy for a lot of people but one of the things that we as fathers should do is share our faith with our families and tell our children how much God has done for us. It’s all well and good to bring our children to church, to ensure that they take part in Sunday School and youth group and whatever else the church offers in terms of programming. But we also need to talk about our personal faith stories with them.
That’s what makes it real and genuine. I’ve often said that when you tell your stories, it is far more effective than me telling my stories. That’s because I’m expected to be able to do that. That’s my job. It’s my vocation. Because of that, people are quite free to ignore me. And they sometimes do. But when you tell your stories it is far more impactful. That’s because you don’t have to. No one expects you to if you don’t want to. But if you do, people will listen. Far more people have come to Christ at the kitchen table over a cup of tea than have found Jesus in church on Sunday morning.
That is true of our friends and neighbours. It’s even more true for our families. Dads, when we share our faith with our children, it makes a difference. It’s part of providing for and protecting our children. In sharing our faith, we provide our sons and daughters with something that will make a real difference in their lives because it gives a source of strength and hope that nothing else can ever offer. It also protects them from so many of the unfortunate things that happen in life. It’s not as though Jesus helps our children avoid the difficulties in life but he sure helps them deal with them. We know that. I know that. I know how much faith has meant to me in the tough times. In fact, I don’t know how I would have ever got through some of life’s situations with knowing that Jesus is always with me and that I am not alone.
That is the gift that we as fathers can share with our children, no matter how old they are, no matter where they are in life.
Jesus said to the man who was healed of his demons: “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So, the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him. May we do the same.
Heavenly Father, your voice speaks and the heavens shake. Your Spirit moves the waters of life to nourish and refresh the land. We are so thankful that we can approach you, the Creator of All. Despite your great power, you still care for us. Your grace abounds. Your mercy cleanses us. Your love remains throughout every situation of life. Hear our prayers and speak to our souls with messages of hope and healing.
We thank you for fathers and the impact that they have had on all of our lives. We know that no father is perfect except our Heavenly Father. But we pray, O Lord, that you would help us to be the very best fathers we can be no matter how old our children may be.
We are grateful for our Junior Church leaders and teachers and the great ministry that they provide to our church and community. Thank you for children, parents, teachers and assistants who work toward this goal of teaching our children about Jesus.
We pray for the people of the Ukraine who continue to resist Russian aggression. May the world continue to work for justice and peace, the justice and peace that only you can give.
We lift up in prayer the Kyiv Home Project as we look toward building the house and welcoming new families into our community. We say a special thanks for the Taveirne family and the inspiration that they have been for all of us.
Our prayers go to you for those who are sick at home or in hospital. May your Healing Touch to be upon them. You are the One who offers healing and we are bold ask this from you even now.
You stand at the door way, O God, and you knock. Sometimes we hear but often we are too busy to pay attention and we miss your offer to come in and abide with us. The world can throw us many curves. Help us to always remember that being tested is a natural part of the maturing process of faith. Keep us strong for the times of testing and tender in the moments when we feel your presence most profoundly. You are a loving and patient Heavenly Father who will never forsake your children. We look to do your will with the guidance of your Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. Amen.
June 19, 2022 / Pentecost 2 / Proper 7
1 Kings 19:1-4, (5-7), 8-15a; Psalm 42 & 43; Luke 8:26-39; Galatians 3:23-29
God is with us in this time of worship.
The Spirit lives and moves within us and among us.
Let us praise the One who gives us life.
Let us worship the God whose love is from everlasting to everlasting.
God of Creation, you touch us and bless us and call us to be your people. You provide comfort during the difficult times in life. Your Word and your promises sustain us at all times and in all places. Your Spirit is the presence of peace. Speak to our souls in the stillness of this moment. Come to us now in your great compassion and renew us by the power of your love. Amen.
Your mercy flows and surrounds us in a blanket of grace. We are so grateful that you care less about what we have done than about what we are doing. Regardless of our past mistakes, you are always ready to hear our prayers, forgive our sins, and restore us to a right relationship with you. There are many voices that would try to tell us that there is no hope but, in you, there is always the promise of salvation in Jesus’ name. Thank you for your limitless mercy and unconditional love. Amen.
The amazing grace of God is ours to receive. We need only confess our sins and God is willing to forgive us and redeem us from all unrighteousness. Be assured that the price that Jesus paid on the cross was for all humanity. We have new life in the power of his resurrection.
You provide us, O God, with all that we need. We thank you for blessing us and for providing the opportunity for us to be a blessing to others. Receive these gifts for your holy purpose and use them according to your divine will. Amen.
Jesus’ healing hand gave life to the people whose lives he touched. The healing that he offered to them is still available through us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us go to share this Spirit and this grace with the whole world.