Caroling for Cans

Cottam United Church 137 County Rd 34 W, Cottam, Ontario, Canada

Cottam United  Church will be caroling around the Village of Cottam on Friday, December 22nd from 6 to 7 pm.   We will be collecting canned goods for local Foodbanks.

Christmas Eve Worship

Cottam United Church 137 County Rd 34 W, Cottam, Ontario, Canada

Anniversary Service

Cottam United Church 137 County Rd 34 W, Cottam, Ontario, Canada

157th anniversary of CUC congregation Pot blessing lunch to follow worship

Memorial Service

Cottam United Church 137 County Rd 34 W, Cottam, Ontario, Canada

Celebration of Roger Diemer's life

Hall rental

Cottam United Church 137 County Rd 34 W, Cottam, Ontario, Canada

Welcome Back Barbeque

Cottam United Church 137 County Rd 34 W, Cottam, Ontario, Canada