We Need You!

It’s almost Turkey Dinner time, and we are gearing up for an awesome event!  Volunteers are needed to complete many jobs, such as roasting turkeys, cooking squash, packing meals, traffic control, washing dishes, and many, many more jobs.  Just let us know that you are willing to help and we’ll find the right spot for you.  Call Cheryl at 519-564-5374, or e-mail info@cottamunitedchurch.ca

Here’s the schedule:

Thurs. Nov. 17 @ 9:00 am           cooking cranberries

Mon. Nov. 21 @ 6:00 pm             setting up

Wed. Nov. 23 @ 8:30 am             peeling potatoes and squash, cleaning pots and pails

Thurs. Nov. 24 all day                   Turkey Day!

Fri. Nov. 25 @ 9:00 am                 final clean up

We are also in need of large coolers and electric turkey roasters, by the Mon. evening if possible.  Any and all help is much appreciated – we couldn’t make this event the success it is without your support!  We are proud to continue this long-time tradition for the church and community, and all to the glory of God! 

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1 thought on “We Need You!”

  1. Hi there
    Monday November 21 @6

    My son Jayden can help with setting up
    He needs volunteer hours
    Very responsible kid and he is 14

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