Turkey Dinner

This year Cottam United Church will hold it’s 74th Annual Turkey Dinner on Thursday, November 26th, but it will be TAKE-OUT ONLY. This year you will be able to pick up your meals curbside at the Church. We encourage you to please order your meals and pay in advance through this website (just go to the ‘SHOP’ tab). The times are 2:30 to 7:00 pm, and the cost is $18.00 per meal. No special orders please.

Many volunteers are needed to continue to make this event the success that it has always been. If you can help out on Wed. Nov. 25 with preparations or Thurs. Nov. 26 on the day of the dinner, it would be very much appreciated. Be assured that we will be following all protocols to keep everyone safe. If you wish to volunteer, please call the church office at 519-839-4266 or e-mail us by filling out the ‘contact us’ information below.

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2 thoughts on “Turkey Dinner”

  1. I placed an order for 4 turkey dinners. Thank you for providing this dinner. We always look forward to it.

    Suggestion. Change the meal price on entrance page to $25 from $18.

    The order page is easy to use.

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