A Message from your Church Board

Greetings to you, our brothers and sisters in Christ!

What can we say about this year so far other than it has been different? We pray that you have not been seriously impacted by the pandemic that is affecting the whole world and that you are staying safe and still taking all precautions necessary to keep it that way.
Although we are not meeting in our beautiful Sanctuary at the moment, the work of our Church hasn’t stopped. We hope that you have been able to access both Kim and Linda’s messages online. Linda started with us on 1st May 2020 and has, despite the restrictions, hit the ground running. If you would like to contact Linda her email address is linda.lord@cottamunitedchurch.ca.

As a Board we continue to meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month (although in June it will be the 4th Wednesday just to be awkward!) as we need to keep moving on various items. We are using the online Google Meet system that our Social Media and Technology Committee has set up a little quicker than they had planned! Thanks to them for a sterling job.

We are now actively looking for a sea container for storage, which is to be located on the west side of the parking lot. The screenings, mulch and topsoil will be moved (or used in the prayer garden) to accommodate the container. It was decided to purchase a 20′ container to ensure items stored don’t get “lost” at the back of a 40′ container.

The Board has undertaken to form a “Re-opening Task Group”. At this stage we have no idea when we will be able to open and what restrictions may be in place when we do. This Task Group is mandated to follow the Government’s information, advisories, and directives and formulate a reopening strategy that will meet all requirements to ensure we, as a congregation, stay safe. This is a mammoth task. The Government of Alberta has, at the moment the most comprehensive guidance model, which runs to 8 pages covering subjects such as food, sharing objects, giving guidance to the congregants, protecting the public, staff, children’s ministries, etc. For example, we will have to find a new way to take the offering as we cannot pass the plate from one to another. The detail required is phenomenal. If there is anyone out there who would like to be a part of this team then please contact me on andy.pears@cottamunitedchurch.ca.

Other items in discussion are the undertaking of an Alpha programme, creation of a Youth and Adult Education Committee, welcoming, engaging and retention to name a few.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me or give me a call on 226 344 0835.

Blessings to all,
Andy Pears

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